Do you love merry pippin Frodo or Sam

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In this quiz it's about Lord of the rings it is a cool quiz and its about Lord of of the rings quiz it includes smegol,merridoc brandybuck,samwise gallmee,frodo baggins and pippin!

In this quiz you are finding out which hobbit you do love or would love so if you want to know who you love just take this quiz and see go on go on please take it and see.

Created by: Even
  1. What COLOR hair do that have?
  2. If you where lost in the woods and you saw frodo/merry/Sam/pippin what would you do?
  3. What's your age?
  4. If merry/frodo/Sam/pippin asked you to marry them what would you say?
  5. When you see them on to first what do you think?
  6. Do you truly love them???
  7. What color eyes do they haven't?
  8. What do they wear?
  9. What's your best color?
  10. Would you like to stroke their hair?

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Quiz topic: Do I love merry pippin Frodo or Sam