Do you like IM5 or OneDirection

There are many people that like music. Some people don't like music. If you like music and One Direction or IM5. Than take this quiz. The quiz will tell you if you like One Direction more or IM5 more.

If you don't take this quiz it might destroy One Direction or IM5's career or there hearts. So please take this quiz!:]One direction and IM5 will thank you for taking this quiz.:]

Created by: Jadzia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. who do you like in one direction?
  3. who do you like on IM5
  4. Do you like British boys or American boys?
  5. What word best describes you?
  6. Are you smart?
  7. Do you like one direction or IM5?
  8. Are you casual or fashionable?
  9. Do you play sports?
  10. Do you like super heroes?

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Quiz topic: Do I like IM5 or OneDirection