Do you like her?

Hello every one !!! In our life there is always a girl whom we think we like and want to be together forever. To us she is the whole world............. it that what you think ...Or is it something else. Is she the one you love from the bottom of your heart or not. Let's find out in the quiz.!

Created by: Hars--- Garg
  1. What is your age?
  2. Gender?
  3. You,your best friend and them is stuck in a room with fire.Only two you can be saved.who will be left behind?
  4. Do you stare at her for comfort?
  5. How often do you talk?
  6. How often do you think of her?
  7. When you talk to her,do you point your feet towards her?
  8. Do your friends or her's say that you like her?
  9. You bump into her accidentally. How would you feel?
  10. Do you have her number?
  11. Do you REALLY like her???
  12. Last question do you like this quiz?rate it

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Quiz topic: Do I like her?
