Do you like a laugh?

Do you like laughing? Do you want to kinda laugh a little bit? Then be my guest and read this!

Do you have what it takes to be strong... LOL just joking! I hope you like the quiz!

Created by: Created by
  1. Which out of these films do you like most?
  2. Click the movies you do watch sometimes!
  3. Click yes if you thought Laugh Out Loud was a real movie! I am pretty sure it is not I randomly made it! Hit no if you did not fall for it!
  4. So is this funny so far?
  5. If you were given a fun job but you had choices on which to do which one would it be?
  6. Do you laugh at jokes that make sense?
  7. Have you heard of this joke? What did the bucket say to the other bucket? You look pale!
  8. Have you heard of this joke? Why couldn't the skeleton go to the dance? Cause he had no body to go with? Or some people say cause he didn't have the guts.
  9. Do you like this joke? The boy kept getting hot cause people kept toasting him.
  10. Did the quiz make you wanna look up funny jokes?Yes

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Quiz topic: Do I like a laugh?