do you know your teddz

this is the best quiz ever on go to well i think so and you should i hope so please go on my quiz and find out about you teddz

i am the genius and i think i am very cool (i think)

Created by: Emily
  1. what is your fav colour ted
  2. how many teddz do you have(roughly)?
  3. when you were younger did you engoy tea partys
  4. do you still buy littel fluffes(tedds)
  5. have you ever been to build a bear factory befor
  6. do you know all the of your tedds
  7. do you think this is nerly over
  8. hi did you like this quizzzzzzzzzzzzz pleas leave a coment
  9. i have oficaly ran out of questions so are you...
  10. ok i will say bye now

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Quiz topic: Do I know my teddz