Do You Know Taylor Swift?

Hey everyone... Yes these answers might be familiar... I am GOGIRL123 but I just forgot my password and going back to make sure that I have all my memories of the past...

^That was just incase you didn't know... Well just continue this quiz cause I don't wanna remember the past but is keeping this quizzes as a token....

Created by: IAmGoGirl
  1. Were was Taylor Swift Born?
  2. How many Siblings does Taylor Have?
  3. How much does her dad own of her Music label?
  4. About how blind is Taylor (Yes she is Blind)
  5. How old was she when she wrote her 1ST song?
  6. RANDOM QUESTION: What is her favorite sport?
  7. How many people has she dated and Dumped?
  8. About How many songs does she have?
  9. What's her Website called?
  10. When was she born?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Taylor Swift?