do you know pokemon?

welcome to my pokemon quiz. this quiz is all about your pokemon knowledge and what you know! if you dont get a good score dont comment bad things!!!!!

have you ever wondered if you knew everything about pokemon? then try this quiz! now you know if you know everything or if you need to learn more!!!!!

Created by: lolman123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is effective against electric
  2. what is ash's last name?
  3. what one of these pokemon can mega evolve?
  4. what type does the celadon gym leader use?
  5. halfway there! what is ash's prized pokemon?
  6. what is effective against dragon types?
  7. guess the legendary hints- it's red. has yellow markings and is the enemy of kyogre.
  8. what type is arcanine?
  9. where does ash ketchum come from?
  10. last question! what is the name of the girl ash met in sinnoh

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Quiz topic: Do I know pokemon?