Do you know my OC? (Based on Shadow The Hedgehog)

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Ever played Shadow The Hedgehog? Do you know he has a clone that is just like him, except his clone is a female? Well, this quiz can help you learn about her!

Shadowette The Hedgehog is one of my favorite OCs I have created. And know Shadow The Hedgehog or not, you can still have fun taking this quiz to see the answers afterwards and learn about my OC who's story is slightly different from Shadow's.

Created by: MyNameHauntsMe
  1. When Shadowette lost her memory, what is the quote she first said?
  2. What is Shadowette?
  3. Why is Shadowette helping the alien man and his race desroy the world and helping Sonic and the others destroy the aliens at the same time?
  4. Does Shadowette know who Shadow is?
  5. Does Shadowette use weapons and vehicles to help her in her journey to find her past?
  6. What is Shadowette's favorite curse word?
  7. Why does Shadowette even have the choice of helping the strange evil alien man?
  8. Is Shadowette a badie?
  9. What will happen if Shadowette chooses the bad side?
  10. What will happen if Shadowette is neutral between good and bad?
  11. What will happen if Shadowette chooses the good side?
  12. How did Shadowette lose her memory in the first place and her name and a few flashbacks is the only things she can remember?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my OC? (Based on Shadow The Hedgehog)