Do you know me?

Ayo whats good. I made this because i had nothing else to do. I decided to make this quiz to start up the come up cash as f---. You probably don't know what i just said but in a couple years you will. Just google my name around then

If this quiz didn't make sense then you can hold this L. I haven't slept in 2 days and I've been living lit. A choice of words is something that can lick my nuts right now

Created by: gloXgod
  1. How old am i?
  2. Who is my favorite rapper?
  3. What is my favorite strain?
  4. What city do i live in
  5. Where do i visit the most?
  6. Am i hated
  7. What is my relationship status
  8. What is the cure for everything
  9. If something bad happens what do i do
  10. Am i insane or retarded

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Quiz topic: Do I know me?