do you know lots about taylor swift

mabey your realated to taylor mabey you dont know her lets find out in this quiz theres some stuff only real imporent stuff to know about taytay yep thats her nickname

look here this quiz wants to learn are you a swifie yes no mabey soon to be well were ready to take on you so come on and play so count wift me 1 2 3 taytay time

Created by: serena
  1. whats her middle name
  2. lucky number?
  3. her moms name
  4. her job
  5. does she have kids
  6. her first song
  7. her first album you should know this so easy
  8. when was the song love story made
  9. her boyfriend?
  10. her enimie

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Quiz topic: Do I know lots about taylor swift
