Do you know lady_anji?

Come on people, time to see if you really know me as well as you think. Random questions, some hard and some not! Come one, come all, and prepare to be judged if you get them wrong!

Do you know me that well? Find out .. and let me know what score you got by the time you've finished because I will be wanting to know! Don't go running away if you get a bad score!

Created by: Angela

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where was I born?
  2. How many tattoos do I have?
  3. My favourite mythical creature
  4. I have my ears pierced. Which of the following have I NOT considered getting pierced?
  5. How many people do I live with?
  6. Fave alcoholic drink
  7. Which piece of jewellery did I buy myself on my recent holiday?
  8. Which playstation game do I NOT own
  9. My brothers names are:
  10. Who is not in my close circle of friends (and dont pitch a fit if ur name isnt there, that doesnt mean ur not one of my nearest and dearest)

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Quiz topic: Do I know lady_anji?