Do you know horses?

Many people do not know about horses. There are also many things to them and it can be hard to know them all. This quiz will test your knowledge and see how much you know.

So how much do you think you know? A lot, a little, nothing? Do you want to learn a little more? Or do you already know everything there is to horses? Take the quiz to find out!

Created by: Lucy
  1. Dressage is....
  2. To "tack up" is to...
  3. A Quarter Horse
  4. Vaulting is...
  5. Horses and ponies are measured in...
  6. An Arabian is...
  7. When a horse has shoes...
  8. The two types of horseback riding are...
  9. What type of riding is 3-day eventing and what do you do?
  10. When a horse is mad it usually...
  11. Horses hate...
  12. A pirouette is a...

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Quiz topic: Do I know horses?