Do you know Family Guy like you thought you did?

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. Find out if you are a Family Guy know it all. It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on tv but where are those good ol' fasioned values on which we used to rely lucky theres a family guy lucky theres a man who'll positively can do all the things that make us laugh and cry he's a family guy

Are YOU a Family Guy genius? Do you have the brainpower to tackle the Family Guy life? Can you reach 100 percent? Just take this quiz and find out if you are. Any Questions or information you would like to know please message me on blade76 @ live . co . uk, thank you.

Created by: Jordan Shaw
  1. Who plays Peter Griffin, Brian Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Tom Tucker, Glen Quagmire and various charactors in Family Guy?
  2. What is the name of the company which stops the nudity, sex, p--- etc from happening in Family Guy?
  3. What colour is Cleveland Brown?
  4. Who plays Chris Griffin?
  5. Who plays Meg Griffin?
  6. Who plays Cleveland Brown?
  7. Who plays Herbert, Bruce and Greased up deaf guy?
  8. Where did Brian Griffin go to school?
  9. What is Peter's next door neighber Joe's last name?
  10. How many members of Peter's side of the family?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Family Guy like you thought you did?