Do you know everything about Soccer?

soccer is a very known sport. It also goes by the name football, but it is mostly called soccer. You are probably wondering if you really know about soccer or you are just bored and want to take a quiz.

How Much Do YOU Know About Soccer? are you insanely addicted to playing and watching the sport? well take this quiz to find out if you know what you are talking about when the topic is... SOCCER!!!

Created by: maky123
  1. who guards your teams net?
  2. how many teams for one soccer match?
  3. how many players can be on the field for each team?
  4. what does your team do if the other team kicks the ball outside the field on the SIDES of the field?
  5. what shape is a soccer field?
  6. can the field be real grass or artificial grass?
  7. what are soccer shoes called?
  8. what does "offside" mean in a soccer game?
  9. what does a yellow card mean?
  10. what does a red card mean?

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Quiz topic: Do I know everything about Soccer?