Do you know Daniel Baker?

This quiz is for all Danfans ou there! If you are a Danfan you might pass this quiz :)This quiz is just for fun and danfans.Have fun, may the fierce be with you.

Do you know Daniel Joseph Baker? Are you a Danfan? Well, if you are this quiz is just for you. If you think you know Daniel, take this quiz to test your knowledge.

Created by: marie
  1. What does FFU stand for?
  2. What is Daniel's full name?
  3. Daniel auditioned in what show?
  4. Daniel Baker has an army of what?
  5. From middle school to high school, Daniel has been?
  6. Which is Daniel's original song?
  7. At what age did Daniel started performing and was a star?
  8. On February 18, 2012, a dream of Daniel's came true. What was it?
  9. I'm not a one trick pony, I'm the entire _____.
  10. Daniel Baker is...?
  11. What song did Daniel sang on his audition on "AGT"?
  12. Why did Daniel move to West Hollywood?
  13. Before Daniel auditioned on "America's Got Talent", Daniel studied..?
  14. When was Daniel born?
  15. What type of artist does Daniel hope to become?
  16. What is Daniel's favorite movie?
  17. If Daniel could have dinner with someone, who would it be?
  18. What is Daniels favorite book?
  19. What is Daniel's favorite Hershey type?
  20. What type of piano did Daniel play in his original song "With Me"?
  21. What is Daniel's childhood show?
  22. What does DJB stand for? (Other than his name)(Hint: name was on Yahoo article)
  23. What is one thing that Daniel hates? (Hint: Feels like biting it)(weather)
  24. Who is Daniels biggest inspirations?
  25. Daniel received rare reviews from the judges who dubbed him "a - ______"; connected with audiences of all types where he became a ___ -favorite.

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Quiz topic: Do I know Daniel Baker?