Do You Know Bruno Mars?

There are many people who say they know Bruno Mars... Well do you think you got what it takes to take this quiz right here? Well find out and take this quiz to see how true a Bruno Mars fan you are.

Are you a Bruno Mars fan? Do you know his birth day or fave color... Well find out now and take this quiz to find out and enjoy this quiz don't rush take your time?

Created by: fufe123
  1. What is Bruno Mars first name?
  2. What is Bruno Mars birthday?
  3. Do Bruno Mars have kids?
  4. How old is Bruno Mars?
  5. What is Bruno Mars fave color?
  6. What is Bruno Mars fave song?
  7. Is Bruno Mars married?
  8. Do you think you did good?
  9. Are you going to comment/rate?
  10. Bye bye

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Bruno Mars?