Do you know Alexi Laiho?

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Many people do not know Alexi Laiho.Do you know Him?If yes , how well?I decided to make this quiz because are a few quizes about Children Of Bodom or Alexi Laiho.Hope you'll like it.:)

How well do you know God?Who's God?God is Alexi Laiho.We all know a little about Alexi , so why not take this quiz , to find out ,how well do you know him.Good luck!

Created by: naomiLaiho of hi5
(your link here more info)
  1. What's his real name?
  2. His two nicknames?
  3. Where was he born?
  4. When is his birthday?
  5. His first guitar?
  6. In what band does he play or did he play?
  7. His ex wife?
  8. Who's the biggest hero/an idol for Alexi?
  9. What does Alexi Laiho buy when he's drunk?
  10. What phrase does Alexi ALWAYS use?xD

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Quiz topic: Do I know Alexi Laiho?