Do you know about weather

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Do you have what it takes to show that you are a whiz in Meteorology? Give it a shot, and let's see if you know your stuff. Just take a few minutes, and you'll know where you stand!

Are you a genius? How is such a thing determined anyway? Give it a shot, and let's see if you know your stuff. Just take a few minutes, and you'll know where you stand!

Created by: Bill Randall
  1. What is the THIRD most common gas in the earth's atmosphere (excluding water vapor)?
  2. The study of weather conditions over a large area based on simultaneous observations is termed: _____.
  3. True or false: Meteorology is the study of meteors.
  4. Lines of equal pressure change are termed: __________.
  5. What percentage of thunderstorms produce hail?
  6. Rime icing is found within convective clouds between what temperatures?
  7. Which of the following is NOT a predictive index for forecasting thunderstorms?
  8. What is the main reason WHY there is a much greater chance of encountering aircraft icing within a NON-precipitating cloud?
  9. How many long waves are found in the northern hemisphere?
  10. What temperature at 500 millibars (500mb) is generally associated with the Polar Front Jet stream (PFJ)?

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Quiz topic: Do I know about weather