do you know a frog

How well do you really think you know me.. I might just surprise you in some of it.. but then again I might not.. You need to think of how long you have known me and how well you know me in order to really get these answers correct and complete

I hope you have fun with this little quiz..and I hope it makes you see how much you do or dont know about a person. WE are all different and I really dont expect many people to get al the answers right so please prove me wrong

Created by: Brenda
  1. which do I prefer to do after a hard days work
  2. what type of underwear do I prefer
  3. where do I live
  4. Who are my best friends likely to be
  5. Where is my boyfriend from
  6. what is my age
  7. what is my boyfriends age
  8. what is my fave type of movies
  9. if I could visit anyplace in the world for an extended time where would it be
  10. what color are my eyes

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Quiz topic: Do I know a frog