Do you have Potential to be a Teacher?

Are YOU in the zone? Tell your friends to take this quiz to see if you could be a good teacher! It is all there, with math, etc. If you wonder.. now you will find out!

Are YOU in the zone? Tell your friends to take this quiz to see if you could be a good teacher! It is all there, with math, etc. If you wonder.. now you will know!

Created by: Higirl
  1. How do you abbreviate the word Rain Street? [supereasy]
  2. What is 10+3x4 divided by 2+9? ?
  3. What is the contractoin for we would
  4. What is a powerpoint?
  5. When was the Lewis and Clark Expidition?
  6. What kind of test worries kids in MARYLAND?
  7. What is the abbrevieation for kentucky?
  8. What is a word maening big; large and heavily enormous
  9. How many questoins should you put on a GT testing test??
  10. Why was Jamestown formed?
  11. Thank You!

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Quiz topic: Do I have Potential to be a Teacher?