Do You Hate School?

There are many quizzes about how much YOU think you hate school, but this quiz shows whether you actually hate school or not. Take this quiz to find out!

The possibilities are: You Love School!, You Hate School!, You Don't Care About School, and You Don't Mind School. Find out which one you are by taking this quiz!

Created by: sesame
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you look forward to or dread tests
  2. Do your teachers ever have to discipline you?
  3. What is the grade that satisfies you?
  4. Are you stressed out by school?
  5. Honestly, how do you feel about school?
  6. Why do you go to school?
  7. School is boring.
  8. What is your favorite part about school?
  9. If you could control how long school lasted, what would be the closest time of the given?
  10. What did you think of this quiz? (Has no effect)
  11. Bye! (Has no effect)

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Quiz topic: Do I Hate School?