Do you belong at camp Half-blood

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There are many members of camp half blood. Are you one of thiem. This test is just for fun. I am in love with the percy jackson books myself. So i just had to make this quiz. I hope you enjoy it!

Do you have what it takes to be at camp half blood. Take this test to find out if you are qualified to hang out with Percy and his friends or just stay home and fight monsters on your phone!

Created by: Haylie
  1. Do you like adventures
  2. Do you like to run
  3. would you give soem of your food away
  4. If you were a half blood what cabin do you want to be in (Doesnt efect your score)
  5. Would you wear a orange camp halfblood shirt all the time
  6. I ran out of questions so what ever you choose wont matter!
  7. qwert
  8. qwdfvbnmhjyu
  9. .
  10. q

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Quiz topic: Do I belong at camp Half-blood