do u truely know justin bieber

IF YOU Are in loveeeeeee with justin bieber and you belive you know everything about him then take this quiz!!! see if you got some bieber fever inside of you! if you truley know him so take this quiz today and find out the results of your answers and if you have bieber fever!!

are YOU a genius? do you think you have the brainpowerto quailfy for this quiz?untill now your probably thinking if you are. well you can find out right now!!!!!!!!! the resulkts are in! come on dnt be nervous just do it!1

Created by: ALIYAH
  1. fill in the missing word to one world:your world is my world and my fight is ur fight my _________ is ur breath and ur heart
  2. who is playing in the swong somebody to love with justin bieber
  3. what justin biebers favorite color?
  4. when was justin bieber born?>?
  5. who featered with jb in the song never say never
  6. what is jbs fav swang word??
  7. what is his fav saying
  8. whats his moms first name
  9. does justin bieber sing kiss and tell
  10. DO YOU have a crush on jb
  11. what kind of girl does jb like

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