do u think your cool

cool people rarely exsist. mast people that are cool tend to stay togather.the reason that it seems that every one is coool is because every one knows the cool people and barely anyone els.hopefully your cool. well i hape you take the quiz and have a great time

are you cool?do you think you cool, anre you gay. ally of these are in the quiz which one are you and who do you classify you self as?i classify myself as a normal person, most people think differentlywhat you think of yourself is often different then other people

Created by: a
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your at a school dance. do you dance,watch people dance, or laugh at your friends who are danceing and being funny
  2. what sports do you play.
  3. how cool do you think you are a a scale from 1 to 3, 3 being the best
  4. what do you drink
  5. how many friends do you have
  6. faveoreite breakfast cearel
  7. are you fat
  8. do you play video games mid-day
  9. what kind of music
  10. are you gay

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Quiz topic: Do u think my cool