do people like you??

many people think that people like them but sometimes you really are liked by nobody so see if your one of those losers nobody likes to hang out with!!

do you have what it takes to have people like or love you take this test to find out!! pamela anderson i need 150 words so im typing things pickles onions tomatos veggies

Created by: anthony
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you have alot of friends??
  2. how often do you go outside
  3. how many freinds do you have??
  4. cool scale time rate yourself 1-5
  5. do you go to dances, (popular activities)
  6. what store do you like
  7. do you like this quiz
  8. how many bf/gf have you had??
  9. is this quiz cool?
  10. is the creater of this cool

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