Do I think you are nice?

There are not as many nice people in the world blah blah blah. Very boring blah blah blah blah black sheep have you any wool yes, i forgot the rest, well now you know all you need to I hope you were paying attention and I hope you studied. Good luck!

Do you think your nice? I do! What? You don't know if your nice? Well then thank God for this quiz, now if you take this quiz you will find out! Oh I hope you studied, this is a hard quiz. All the answers were in the last thingy you read I Hope you were listening. Good luck!

Created by: Nonya
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A person drops all their books and everyone just walks by, you...
  2. Your dog attacks the mail man, you...
  3. You accidentally break a light, you
  4. A deaf kid is playing in the road while a car is coming, you.....
  5. BONUS QUESTION!!! (just click any button and it will effect your final answer in a positive way).
  6. A hobo comes up to you and asks you for any change, you...
  7. just click any button and it will effect your final answer in a positive or negative way, hope you click the right one.
  8. You find a 100 dollar bill on the ground, you...
  9. BONUS QUESTION!!! (just click any button and it will effect your final answer in a positive way
  10. You enter a building and find a wallet, you...

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