Do I need braces (made by real orthodontist)

If you aren't sure if you need braces or not, this is the best quiz for you because this quiz is made by a real orthodontist. You also can visit my facebook group and request from me to make brace module for you.

This quiz will help you determine if you do or do not need braces to fix your teeth! Again you may also find my group on facebook for more information. :-)

Created by: Jonathan of That is my facebook group
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you have overbite? (When your upper jaw is far from your lower jaw)
  2. Do you have underbite? (when your lower jaw is far and on front from your upper jaw)
  3. Do you have crooked teeth?
  4. Do you have teeth that are placed higher then the others?
  5. Do you have impacted teeth? (When your baby teeth fell and the regular tooth didn't come out)
  6. Do you have spaces between your teeth?
  7. What is your age?
  8. Do you think you need braces?
  9. Do your friends think you need braces?
  10. Are you ready to see the results?

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