Diggy Simmons vs Mindless Behavior

I hope you enjoyed the quiz even if you won or lost your still a true mindless and diggy fan keep practicing we love you peace #staymindless #jetsetter

You are a smart person even if you don't see it think or feel it in you peace. joy. love. happiness. never give up Hope you did a great job Good Luck!!!! :-)

Created by: TB
  1. Which one do you like best Mindless Behavior or Daniel aka Diggy Simmons?
  2. How well....do you know Mindless Behavior,what is the first single
  3. Do Mindless Behavior like animals or just Roc Royal?
  4. What is the first girl they did a single with?
  5. How well do you know Diggy, what is his favorite food?
  6. What was Diggy's first single?
  7. Who is the oldest?
  8. When was Diggy born?
  9. What year did Mindless Behavior first video came out?
  10. What is the name of Diggy clothing line?

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