Did you taste every food in the world ?

..The are many . But only few are . By take care love you . Eat more junk foood . Tasty . We live to eat and have fun .... Dont be exessive . Others wise gym will toue life always gym

Are you foody . Yes . ? ?????? You will it in a few minute s. Take my are you intelligent ? Quiz also . If you want more quizzes tell be in comment . Dont forget to comment and rate .

Created by: Deepika padukone
  1. Where is sushi originatte ?
  2. In non veg what would you take ?
  3. From what beef is made ?
  4. Where the most tastiest burger found in northern india ?
  5. Where is top ramen noodles originatte ?
  6. If you were a child which sweet you preffered ?
  7. Burger is originnate in ?
  8. Which is the the tastiest cheese in the world
  9. Where is dosa originatte ?
  10. What is more tasty

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