Did I Make The Right Choice? | Comments

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  • I just noticed I created an account to throw some sense in you but you were probably in middle school when you made this and I just noticed it was made in 2013... you’re probably never going to see this ever again but it’s whatever, if you do, do tell what you did about that... you’re probably like a junior in high school now...

  • Well, honestly it depends. If you’re in high school or above, that was a B A D decision. You’re fantasizing about a hot popular guy, not good! If you and Charlie are not actually acquaintances in the LEAST, I’m sorry to break it to you but you probably won’t have a chance. Hear me out! It’s NOT YOUR FAULT he just seems like that type of dude who doesn’t actually really care about he chemistry and his type seems like the edgy shady mysterious stoner type girl, and by your quizzes you seem like the sweet and caring type of girl. BUT WAIT, HERES THE PART WHERE IM NOT COLD AND RUDE: John seems to genuinely LIKE you, if he was just looking for sex, he’d probably have stopped texting you after about 2-3 months, and he wouldn’t tell you that much about how much you mean to him and blablahblah so yeah that was a horrible choice. Not blaming you because I’ve done that plenty of times to now have learned and grown out of that. Here’s what you do, you get yourself a little break, try to cleanse your mind of any real boys, read a book, watch a series or smth and get your mind off those dickwads, then if you feel sad and lonely still, you go and talk to JOHN (NOT Charlie because you said he probably doesn’t even know you exist so he probably doesn’t give a crap about you) and you sort it out. It’s okay for you to keep a little crush on Charlie while being with someone else, everyone finds other ppl attractive in and outside relationships, and that’s okay, as long as you don’t explicitly act on it while on a COMITTED relationship. If you still want to persue Charlie, talk to John about how you want to keep things more casual (don’t mention Charlie) and yeah. This is what I’d do, I’m sorry if I was kind of harsh but my relationship advice is the cold hard truth and . Thank you for your time.


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