Dassa McKinney 4th Grade Heat

This is the quiz for heat. This is the quiz for heat. This is the quiz for heat. This is the quiz for heat. This is the quiz for heat. This is the quiz for heat.

This is the quiz for heat. This is the quiz for heat. This is the quiz for heat. This is the quiz for heat. This is the quiz for heat. This is the quiz for Levi.

Created by: Moniteau
  1. The flow of energy from one material to another is called _____________.
  2. Heat moves from __________ object to ___________ ones. The more energy an object has the faster the particles move.
  3. The particles in a warm object cause the particles in a cooler one to move faster. Eventually the particles of both objexts will move at the same speed.
  4. A(n) ______________ is a material that does not transfer heat very well.
  5. The opposite of an insulator is a _________________.
  6. A conductor transfers heat ____________.
  7. Heat can be transfered in ___________ ways.
  8. Most matter ________ when it is heated and then _________ when it is cooled.
  9. Examples of fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
  10. Fossil fuels don't cause pollution when they are burned.
  11. _______________- is the measure of how hot or cold something is. This is NOT the same as heat.
  12. Temperature is measured with a _____________.
  13. A thermometer works because the particles in the liquid move _____ and ______ when the temperature increases. The liquid expands causing it to rise in the tube.
  14. When the temperature decreases the particles of the liquid _____________ and goes _______________ the tube.
  15. The scales used for measuring temperature are known as farenheit and celcius.
  16. On the fahrenheit scale, water freezes at ________ degrees and boils at ______ degrees.
  17. On the celcius scale, water freezes at ______ degrees and boils at ___ degrees.
  18. ____________ can occur between two objects that are touching.
  19. _____________ is the transfer of heat by the flow of a liquid or gas.
  20. ____________ energy to particles makes them move faster and farther apart, taking up more space. The opposite occurs when energy is taken away.
  21. ___________- is the transfer of heat through space. Matter does not need to be present. The sun reaches the earth through this kind of heat transfer.
  22. A major source of heat is the _________ . It gets its energy from nuclear reactions.
  23. Fossil fuels formed ______ of years ago from the remains of plants and animals. They provide energy when they are burned.
  24. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources and once they are used up they are gone forever.
  25. Scientists are looking for ways to produce heat using products that are ___________________.

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