cyberbullying facts

Please complete to below quiz to test your knowledge on cyberbullying after going through the previous videos and visuals on cyberbullying. Please feel free to ask questions!

Cyberbullying and regular bullying are different in many ways but they also have their similarities, please bare this in mind when completing this online lesson.

Created by: caitlin patterson
  1. What is the definition of cyberbullying?
  2. If you are anonymous, you are?
  3. what do cyberbullies have in common with regular bullies?
  4. How many teens report bullying?
  5. What word is not related to cyberbullying?
  6. What's the best way to prove you are a victim of cyberbullying?
  7. Which way is not a way of dealing with cyberbulling?
  8. What is the correct way to prevent cyberbullying?
  9. What feelings are not related to bullying?
  10. What are the statistics of victims reporting to an adult?

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