could you survive on the rez?

this quiz is about how well you could probably live on the rez and if you could survive, live there, could vacation, or should not go so if you are curious about whether or not you could survive on the rez or you are just bored feel free to take our quiz and have fun..... hopefully

could you ever live on the rez or how well could you survive, take this quiz to find out if you could survive. so take this quiz and find out and hopefully you should tell the people that made this to lower the minumum amount of characters for these quizzes

Created by: aaron
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you see ghetto car coming up on you, what do you do?
  2. have you ever smoked anything before
  3. have you drank before age 16
  4. what happens at a pow wow
  5. if you went to a pow wow who would you go with
  6. you bump into a native, you...
  7. your at school and you either get,
  8. what kind of job would you have.
  9. do you know what a powwow is?
  10. do you know what the rez is?
  11. do indians still live in teepees

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