Could You Survive As The Doctor's Companion?

There aren't many who get a high score on this quiz. Could you score high? If you do, you could be the Doctor's Companion! If you don't take this quiz, you may never know.

You may or may not score very high on this quiz. If you do, congrats! For your information, the Doctor is a Time Lord. He looks human, but isn't. He's the last of his kind, and doing his way to Earth.

Created by: Evie
  1. A strange and charismatic man asks you to step into a blue Police Box. Do you?
  2. You step inside. What do you say?
  3. The strange man says his name is the Doctor, and this machine is the TARDIS.
  4. The 'Doctor' says,"We can go anywhere in time and space. Where do you want to go?"
  5. "We'll go to the late 1800s. Oh, better change clothes." What do you change into?
  6. " that we're in the 1800s in London, let's explore!" Where do you go first?
  7. "What's that noise? Let's go see!" (The sound is a gurgly voice)
  8. "Describe it to me! I can't see it!"(Tall, green with a zipper thing on its forehead)
  9. The Doctor's in trouble! What do you do?
  10. You find yourself surrounded by weeping angels. What do you do?
  11. A young child comes to the door and asking where his mother was. What do you do?

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