Could you survive a day with me and my cousins?

So could you survive a day with me and my cousins? Huh huh? Well just to give you a heads up, we're not normal. I mean seriously. Meet us in real life and you'll be weirded out.

Could you survive a day with me and my cousins? Huh huh? Can you can you? Well just to give you a heads up were not normal kids. I mean seriously. AHHH! Enjoy!

Created by: BTRfreak

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay, could you survive hanging out with a 11 year old (y o) girl (ME), two 7 y o girls, and a 4 y o little boy?
  2. My youngest cousin once threw a rock at a car because i told him to. Is that okay wih you?
  3. We play in the water hoes, and then play in mud afterwords. Is that okay with you?
  4. My youngest cousin grabs something (like a stick) and threatens us with it. Would that be okay with you?
  5. Me and my two 7yo cousins always go to the bathroom together because we're scared that the grudge will be in there. IS THAT OKAY TO YOU?
  6. Whenever we're eating supper the youngest cous always has to start a food fight. Is that okay with ya?
  7. When we're on the laptop we go to YouTube and type in 'scary pop ups' or 'scary grudge scenes'. Is that okay with you?
  8. When we're outside and a car comes we always yell, 'KIDNAPPERS!!!' then run inside or behind a bush/tree. Is tha okay with you?
  9. (that's all just answer ':D' on these 2 last questions)
  10. Byers (XD)

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