Could you help me? (singin234) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Could you help me? (singin234).

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  • I usually don't pick something I initially hate, but I'm going with number 1. As soon as I saw the word "angel" I didn't like it. I just find things with angels are either too bizzare or too cliche for a possible writing topic. But when I read that the angel is sent to help a NON-PERFECT GUY I was instantly hooked. I LOVE flawed characters, because they can give so much realism and life into their desicions and thoughts that you think they're more human than fiction. I only know a few books that make the protagonist GUY flawed yet likeable. I stress the word guy because the story of the normal teen girl screw up finding her way through true love is so redundant it makes me sick. To me, this quote on quote "crazy" idea of yours is the perfect girl empowering tale to tell because it's not the girl screwing up, for once it's the guy. Now granted, I'm not saying "we've never seen a girl help a guy before" I mean I literally watched Beauty and the Beast today, if I said that I'd be the world's biggest liar. I'm just saying it's refreshing to see a setup that takes that idea of a girl helping a guy and giving it a BIG twist. My cautions on this tale is, don't make the angel fall for him too fast. You need to have a progression for a romance to blossom between these two. Also, make the guy a jerk... but give him something likeable about him. Granted, he doesn't have to be one of those characters we "understand" or has some dramatic backstory. I mean if he does and it's deep go for it but his tragedy shouldn't be WHY we like him. An audience judges characters based on what they say, what they do NOW, and how other characters interact and communicate with them. A backstory is not a reason to like a character, it's just more information on their motivations and goals. Those are my two cautions if you pick this idea. I hope you finish Goodbye... first. I would love a proper ending to a mysterious tale.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • I think the first one sounds great! I think you should go with that one! I'm with Missy Prissy Cat, flawed characters are awesome!

  • ooooo. I like the sound of one. I vote for that one :P The second one does sound interesting and original but I'm leaning towards the angel one.

  • I think I like #3 best. #1 sounds intresting, but I have enough annoying guys in my life already. I'd rather not read about them. :P Yeah, I'm going with #3.

  • I like the first one, sounds interesting. Maybe you could name it something xD I'll email you (:

  • I really love the one when the boy is an angel and the girl is human. It sounds Awesome!

  • I think it would be cool if you mashed one and three. Tell it from both of their points of view.

  • Its still a tie

  • I like 2 and 3 but mainly 3

  • 1: 4
    2: 0
    3: 4
    I need more votes because their is a tie


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