Could you date me? (Girls Only plz)

There are so many people out there, but I've exhausted my searches, and I always end up being the gay friend. I'm not even gay. But how fun would that be? I'm off topic...

Are you looking for a nerdy boy friend? Good! I'm pretty nerdy I suppose. What with the nerd stuff. But what you don't learn about me from the quiz, we can chat about later, but only if you get a high score!

Created by: ShieseGeist
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many manga/animes have you read/watched?
  2. What do you play video games on?
  3. What is your body like? (barely any impact)
  4. Which branch are you apart of?
  5. How much time do you spend on the internet? (reddit, tumblr, youtube,netflix,Facebook, deviant art) [IF YOU USE 9GAG, 4CHAN, OR ANYTHING OTHER THAN REDDIT AND/OR TUMBLR, LEAVE NOW!!]
  6. What shows are you into?
  7. Do you like Homestuck?
  8. What is your major ethnicity?
  9. How well can you draw compared to usual anime art?
  10. What kind of music do you listen to?
  11. Do you like any sports?
  12. What religion are you?
  13. What is your age? Again

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