Could you be my best friend? (Beatle Obsessed)

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Ok! Please take my quiz. This will determine if you could be my best friend, my enemy, or somewhere in between there. Have a nice day! Adios, peoples!

Ok! Please take my quiz. This will determine if you are my best friend, my enemy, or somewhere in Braden those two. Have a nice day! Adios, peoples!

Created by: Beatle Obsessed of The Beatles (official site)
(your link here more info)
  1. It is your birthday. You expect me to buy you. _______________.
  2. If someone fouled me in basketball, and I was about to foul them back, you would-
  3. What would you buy me for Christmas?
  4. If I got into a fight with you, you would _________________.
  5. If I got class president, but you really wanted it, you would...
  6. If I was spending more time with another friend, you would-
  7. How do you feel about me liking the Beatles much?
  8. Are you awesome?
  9. Am I awesome?
  10. Is John Lennon awesome?

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