Could we be best friends??

I guess this kinda turned into a how much like me are you but we will see what happens gosh 150 words you can take the quiz now because this is just blah blah blah

I guess this kinda turned into a how much like me are you but we will see what happens gosh 150 words you can take the quiz now because this is just blah

Created by: xxxSOUNIQUExxx
  1. What's your favorite boy band??
  2. Who is your favorite singer ( male )
  3. Favorite singer ( female )
  4. Favorite book?
  5. Color?
  6. Movie???
  7. Song??
  8. Genre of song??
  9. What's you opinion on teen wolf or vampire diaries?
  10. Do you watch pretty little liars?
  11. Well bye!!

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