Confinement Part 40 | Comments

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  • NOOO I HAVE TO READ TOMORROW BC MY BATTERY'S GONNA DIE!!! AHH DIE YOU LITTLE PRICK SEBASTIAN! (sry bout the language) I LOVE RAVE, WITH FLAME VERY CLOSELY FOLLOWING BEHIND! i almost cried when rave was cut up, i thought he was actually going to die... and when flame and web came up, "I'll always believe you, green bean," IT MADE MY HEART EXPLODE! YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD WRITER! LOVE YOUR STORIES, AND I READ ALL OF THEM!

  • How did I not notice this before? It took me three days to read all 40 parts, and it was absolutely amazing!! You, brilliant writer person, are such an amazing writer. And I still don't know who I like better: Rave or Flame D:. It's killing me.... Now, off to go read the next story!!

  • OH MY CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP AND CRACKERS! What the freaking cookies! My dear Gumbo! Like what even, my feelings! This. Was. So. Intense. One minute, I would be giggling my ass off, the next, I could be swooning over something cute Rave does, later, I could be agonizing because I can't stand treating Flame like that - my poor baby. The one thing that never changed though was that I was always, always, always on the edge of my seat, engaged by the story.

    You completely weren't kidding that this was a long chapter, but I loved it - it completely drew me in like always, and oh my goodness, it was so awesome. This. This is why you're Dannica, my freaking writing idol. I adore you and I miss you and... and... just x3 you can always make my day with your stories, your vibrant characters, and your precious humor.

    Those plot twists, girl, they're so you. I mean I suspected Naomi of not being Naomi, but still. I was not expecting the prophecy to be like that (or presented like that), and I have so many questions. So many.

    But. "I'll always believe you, green bean." That. Was just perfect. I loved this so very much. Stay amazing, Dannica ^.^

  • Wow. That...was...FANTAS TIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Best part ever! You have completely outdone yourself, Dannica! I can't wait to read more! :P

  • @MilkyWay62 it deleted my earlier comment :-( but thank you so much your words mean so much to me I'm sorry I've brought all those emotions down on you I hope you get better! haha but really thank you ilysm

  • Crap! I accidentally left out part of the story! I apologize if there was any confusion! Alright, so between paragraphs 8 & 9 it should say:

    Shut up," I laughed, taking my hand off the wall and slapping his shoulder. I felt his thumb run over mine. For some reason, I felt very gooey inside. But dont even worry about your parents. They probably think your phone got taken away or something like that." There was a short pause. Did you find it weird when Viper was talking about that police officer straying around the campus?" I stopped my head mid-nod. Yeah. I mean, we dont know for sure if its Officer Botello, but he has the key to the gate. I think theres something suspicious about him. Like, remember when I told you about that time when he dropped off Web and me? Hes a creep." Raves breaths were in sync with mine; I hadnt realized how much wed picked up the pace. Its also strange how Viper knew you were from Maine." I ran my fingers through my hair, beads of sweat lining my forehead from the humidity of this enclosed space. She used to work for the Miscreancy? With Haste? Im just going to think thats how she knew. " Yeah. And dont forget Sebastian. I guess Sebastian killed her, too. Its the coming back part I dont understand." I wrinkled my brow. I was assuming Hef did it, but thinking about it now If he had the power to bring people back from, you know, Hell, then why didnt he bring Haste back?"

  • so...can i just start off by saying( and i think i speak for everybody on this) girl YOU HAVE MADE MY LIFE WAY MORE INTERESTING AND ENJOYABLE AND FANTASTICAL AND JUST PLAIN AWESOME BY WRITING CONFINEMENT!!!! I think that you are THE MOST TALENTED writer that is not famous that I have ever seen in my life. Your writing just makes me feel like....and all that romance......and i think i need a there such thing as a counsleor for emotional wrecks like me?? I just don't know what to feel and it's just like badass one moment and like omg all the flame action over the course of the story and i just.. i don't .... can you just like.....please just make coercion now so i don't end up in a mental ward!!!!! thnx love you like crazy dannica!!!!!!! :)


    Holy gaspatcho Dannica I think I'm going to explode, I read this last night and almost started crying and I'm just drowning in feels at the moment. Seriously I could open up my own feel bank...

    Ehh...that sounds sketchy.

    You Dannica, have made my life better because I know I'll always have this one thing that I can look forward to. If only my life could be what this story is.

  • Oh my gosh that was amazing! such a great part! This made my entire day because it was so long and i got so infatuated with it wow thank you so much now i'm going to be thinking about this until you make coercion! i have so many questions and i just know that coercion is going to just as great as confinement!! i also started reading crevice on wattpad it seems so good i can't wait until you dedicate yourself into that one after this!!

  • OMGERSHHHHH!!!!! THAT WAS EPIC!!! I literally am jumping up and down, excited for coercion! Take all the time you need in making the chapters because no matter wat, I'll probably never get over your stories...


  • I don't know where I left off! I'd love to read this again but I don't have tiyaham! Well I do, but I can't focus. 3x

  • @puffball aw hi ily you are so cute my summer is going great! A huge relief now that I've finished confinement, really. I'm so glad your writing again! I've already started coercion so you won't be waiting for long :-)

  • 1. What I'm planning to do is start writing again when classes start. And actually complete it 'cause the others were just random dreams i have gotten with no ending so. Now i will move to but i will create a wattpad too so i can keep in touch. 'cause the only thing holding me back is your stories so.. yea. is this summer going for you? how are you / (+a million other questions)

    3. wow

    4. this had made my day a gazillion times better. heck! my summer too.

    5. I can't wait to read what happens next on Coercion. I mean. Seriously, once again i'm caught between these three amazing guys. and the main character has a LOT to explain. haha. great im going to have to buy more popcorn and mango cause i like wasted everything i could get my mouth on while reading this. you actually made me want to cry for ending it right there but fear not i had only shed one tear. inside im hanging off this cliffhanger very strongly.

    6. i swear when i grow up and i dont read at least one of the famous series or books i will freak out and actually try to stalk you and send you really deep letters about writing.

    7.Now i'm going to stop here as at the 'seventh'. So overall it was amazing. no thats not the right word for this part... wait let me find it: prodigious... nahhh actually there is no words for this. Just a jaw hangning very low.

  • well.... crap just give me a moment to process the four hours of reading this... cause the only thing on my mind is wow and a million of others things.. so give me a moment.

  • I read your story on wattpad first and then came here! crevice sounds sooooo goooood oh my gosh dannica i just know that that story is going to be a hit such like this one!!

    Alright, so I have a lot to say

    First off, I appreciate you making it this long because I know I've complained about your parts being short sometimes lol sorry but yeah i really do LOVE this!

    the prophecy was really creepy i thought it was creative how we got to see what it said and i also liked all the internal conversation that we have with the main character because it shows how much she's grown...and pushing flame away made sense and i felt like it needed to be done rave just almost KILLED me in this one! there is so much romantic tension whenever he's around and ugh!

    NAOMI AND LAUREN ARE CARNATION AND RAZOR!!! wow i knew naomi was acting different!

    I praise you for creating Web...he offers SO MUCH comic relief in this intense story and he is so lovable :')))))

    Sebastia n is literally crazy, and why can I see those gray blobs??

    "I'll always believe you, green bean."

    God, I love Flame. Dannica this is so good you are such a good writer please make coercion now!!

  • THIS WAS AMAZING!!!!! OH MY GOD I CAN'T....I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FEEL! I was almost crying because of Flame oh my goodness wow and then Rave...sdkjfksldjf and then Web aww Web there was just so much going on and I loved every little bit of it! Great Job I cannot wait until Coercion!!!!

  • Yay!its out. I bet this took a long time.*Virtual high five* and don't forget to put me in coercion.


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