Charlotte's Web

How much do you know about Charlotte's Web? Take this quiz to find out a few things you may or may not have already known about this timeless story. Enjoy the show!

Who is Mr. Zuckerman? What is Fern's last name? What kind of animal is Charlotte? How many questions like this about Charlotte's Web will you be able to answer correctly?

Created by: Carrie
  1. What is Fern's brother's name?
  2. What is the Uncle's first name?
  3. What is the first thing Charlotte writes in the web?
  4. What animal character is Templeton?
  5. Who is Lurvy?
  6. How many goslings do the geese have?
  7. Do all of the animals talk?
  8. How many of Charlotte's babies stay at the farm?
  9. What is Charlotte's last name?
  10. What character do I play?
  11. Why should you go to see Charlotte's Web at the Des Moines Playhouse?

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