Hello everyone! The Canterwood crest quiz is based on the amazing series by Jessica Burkhart! In this quiz you will be tested on who you are from the series

Will you be... SASHA SILVER? HEATHER FOX? PAIGE PARKER? OR CALLIE HARPER. Answer each and every question with passion and if you have not read the amazing Canterwood crest series, read it!

Created by: Mikayla Hodge
  1. Where do you go on break 1. Small town 2. Big city 3. Cooking show 4. Friends and family
  2. Your horse...1. Chestnut 2. Brown3. I borrow horses.4. Black
  3. Spare time I...1. Ride2. Gossip and do your nails 3. Cook4. Hang out with boyfriend
  4. Your BFF...1. Sasha Silver 2. Heather Fox3. Paige Parker 4. Callie Harper
  5. You are...1. Kind and considerate 2. Rude and kind 3. Fun and bubbly 4. Caring but jealous
  6. Your chosen classes are... 1. Health, theatre and riding 2. Science theatre and riding 3. English, theatre and cooking 4. Science, English and riding
  7. You would wear...1. Casual clothes 2. Fancy outfits 3. Cooking apron4. Riding uniform
  8. Your boyfriend...1. Eric2. Troy3. Not for me!4. Jacob
  9. Party dress...1. Fab cocktail dress2. Violet ball gown 3. Bright dress4. Smooth velvet dress
  10. Your mind is...1. Focused and bubbly 2. Focused and strict 3. Light and bubbly 4. Stressed and caring

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