Can you speak dog?

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Do you think you know what your dog is saying to you? Come, one and all, to take my quiz and test your knowledge about dogs body language! Good luck!!

Tror du att du vet vad din hund säger till dig? Kom, en och alla, för att göra mitt quiz och testa dina kunskaper om hundars kroppsspråk! Lycka till!!

Created by: Claire
  1. Hard stare – If a dog is glaring at you or another dog, he might not be aggressive at the moment. But, it could lead to aggressive behavior with barking or trying to pounce.
  2. Jumping- If your dog jumps on you, that means they want to be picked up. That is something both children and dogs have in common.
  3. Licking – If dogs are licking other dogs, it could show respect to the more dominant dog.
  4. Yawning – Yawning is a way to remove internal tension. This behavior could mean a dog is uncomfortable about something. This type of timid behavior rarely leads to aggression.
  5. Pawing-If your dog paws at you, it means they are scared and need comfort.
  6. Eyes extremely wide open (body moving) – Canines love to show their excitement through body cues, but also with their eyes. Wide eyes could mean he is overly excited.
  7. Tail chasing- Dogs chase their tail when they are hungry and are looking for more food. Do not encourage them to do that. It is extremely unhealthy.
  8. Biting- Biting, like the tail chasing, is what dogs do when they are hungry. If you don’t stop them soon enough, they will think you are food.
  9. Licks lips or nose – A pup will lick his nose to keep it moist for smelling, but he will also do so when he is nervous or anxious.
  10. Crouched down – If a dog shifts their weight backward, it may be because they are getting ready to lunge themselves forward, which could escalate quickly.
  11. Shaking of the head- Dogs only do that when a bug has gone in their ear and in rarer situations, when they hear bees buzzing.

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Quiz topic: Can I speak dog?
