Can u survive:Police Cooling

Are you smart inaf to get a good score.YOU have to be if not you are a loser.Well you if you really wanna prove it to your friends and family here it is

So you think you are brave and you can anything then you might be wrong.If it is right here it is.Yes this quiz ofcorse.Prove it to everyone.To The World!

Created by: cooling
  1. What would ppl in ur school call u?
  2. If u were inocent but police would be chasing u what would u do?
  3. Now ur news has spread all over all the NEWS channels.Everyone one has ur news and wants to get $100000!.What would u do.
  4. Finally u come to conclusoin that u have to tell them the truth.And they dont beleave u.What would u do.
  5. Now u r hidding.No one knows where u r.R u happy?
  6. One day when u were hidding and walkin u c ur best friend.What would u do?
  7. He agries.U get to know he is a lawyer.R u smart to know what next?
  8. Now that u have won the case.R u gonna go to school and SHOW OF on how u escaped and not share the credit with ur friend?
  9. The next morning u wake up in the jail.
  10. Ok atlast u become famous in school for surviving.R u ready for next 'Can u survive' part

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