Boyfriend material?

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ASnswer this to have a chance of becoming my boyfriend! yayy! haha just message me i guess i guess! Im soo bored writing this idk wat to write oh hey look

A duck! hahaha a cookie im soooo weird and random! i love romantic guys! So guys be romantic! haha thats enough said! im sooo bored my fingers hurt ='''[

Created by: Courtney
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the typical first date?
  2. If i was dancing and singing in the car would u join with me?
  3. Would you ask me for pictures?
  4. Do you have a car?
  5. Would you watch a chickflick with me?
  6. Are you bulls---in this quiz?
  7. Do you have siblings?
  8. Would you call me at midnight just to say goodnight and i miss u?
  9. Its my b-day and were dating wat are we doing?
  10. Last question! are u going to message me after u answer this!

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