Beer Geek #2 - Serving

There are beer drinkers and there are Beer Geeks. Beer Geeks take a true interest in the delicious brews they drink and always strive to learn more. If you think you have what it takes then come on in and enjoy the quiz.

Are you merely a beer drinker or are you a Beer Geek? Find out in chapter #2 of the Beer Geek Quiz - this one is all about beer serving! Glassware, and temperature are the main focuses of this chapter.

Created by: LambTaco
  1. Ideally, how should a beer be served?
  2. When pouring beer into a glass, the glass should always be what temperature?
  3. Beer should be served at what temperature?
  4. The rule of thumb for beer serving temperature is which of the following?
  5. Why are macro lagers served nearly ice-cold?
  6. Which of the following things will throw off head development and retention?
  7. When pouring a beer, how much head should you try to create?
  8. Why is the head produced from beer important?
  9. What factors do style-specific glasswares affect?
  10. Which of the following beers would probably be served in a chalice or large wine glass?
  11. Which of the following beers would probably be served in a mug or stein?
  12. What temperature should American Barleywines and Belgian Strong Dark Ales be served at?
  13. What temperature should Belgian Tripels and American Pale Ales be served at?
  14. When is the best time to serve beer?

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