Arkham Army entry test

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this is the first test to join the Arkham army, if you get below 50 you'll fail, if you get higher you'll be a Arkham soldier. ps:if you get below 50 don't take the quiz again there will be other tests for recruits.

this is the first test to join the Arkham army, if you get below 50 you'll fail, if you get higher you'll be a Arkham soldier. ps:if you get below 50 don't take the quiz again there will be other tests for recruits..

Created by: Arkham_Knight

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. will you hesitate to kill?
  2. Do you fear pain?
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  4. will you obey every order even if you know it will kill you?
  5. Are you loyal to me and will you do anything to get Gotham rid of the bat.
  6. Where would you avoid when you're shooting him?

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