Are your eyebrows plucked.. or real!?

Do you like eyebrows? Everyone likes eyebrows, they are brilliant. If you have none you should really take a look at the Monalisa, she has no eyebrows. So you might just look good without good ones, if you think that the Monalisa actually looks good anyways but you should do this quiz anyways just to see if your eyebrows are...

Fake: Well, I can't blame you if they were horrible but you should've kept your normal ones. OR Real: Good job. You have overcome the fear of having bad eyebrows and have stuck with your natural ones. Or you just havn't changed YET.

Created by: ?
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does your face stink?
  2. Do you like to play with your hair?
  3. Do either of your parents have extremely hairy limbs or face, or shave often?
  4. Do YOU have extremely hairy limbs or face?
  5. What's your favorite hairstyle?
  6. Do you think that your mother wears too much make-up when you go out?
  7. Do either of your parents have facial hair?
  8. fluffymicrophoneearszor
  9. Have you ever eaten - or chewed on - your hair?
  10. What color is your hair?

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Quiz topic: Am Ir eyebrows plucked.. or real!?