Are You Xtreme?!?!

Xtreme, the definition of a real person who lives by their own rules. Theres a lot of them, and also, there aren't a lot of them. They are just people who live by the expected strandards. Xtreme isn't a mood, ITS A LIFESTYLE!!!!

Do U Qualify as XTREME!?!?! Thake the test and you could find out weather you are Xtreme or a Total Lamewad. Either way, its a quick lesson in life of wat u need to do to become popular and respected by a lot of people!!!!

Created by: Jericho
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What have you done that can be considered extreme?
  2. Wat music do u like?
  3. Wat brand of movies do u like?
  4. How much money would u take if someone offered it to you?
  5. Which band is ur favorite?
  6. Wat do u prefer?
  7. Wat drink is ur favorite?
  8. Whos rules do u live by?
  9. Wat do u like on the computer the most?
  10. Do u have your own group?

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Quiz topic: Am I Xtreme?!?!