Are You Therian Otherkin or 'normal'???

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Just a short quiz with 10 questions this is NOT 100% accurate please check other websites and quizzes as well so that you know the actual answer by majority.

I did this quiz in my spare time so it may not have the answer you are looking for but there are many ways to find out the answer without a quiz so check them out.

Created by: KittiCultz_YT
  1. What do you like more??
  2. What do you like reading about?
  3. If you could you would you rather be an_____ more than what you are now.
  4. Do you know much about these topics??
  5. Which do you prefer??
  6. Why did you click this quiz???
  7. How old are you??
  8. Your gender?? (that you classify as)
  9. You you feel connected to a specific animal or creature?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz (doesn't effect score just wanna know)

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Quiz topic: Am I Therian Otherkin or 'normal'???
